One can find the owners of most properties in Summit County by using the “Summit County GIS Parcel Query Tool” HERE. Under Search Options, choose Subdivision Name, then type in BEARS DEN, click Submit, then click BEARS DEN CONDOS.
A summary of current owners as listed in the GIS is HERE. It does not include phone numbers or email addresses for privacy reasons, but the Board Members have that contact information and we can forward communications to other owners who then have the option of sharing their information with you.
A POINT OF CONFUSION. Buildings B and C were built first, so unit numbers began there, starting on the ground level, first the 7 gound-level units of Building B as Units 1-7, then the ground-level (and only) unit of Building C as Unit 8, then proceeding with the upper level of Building B as Units 9-12. Building A was built last, so its units were numbered 13-21. This numbering is retained in the listing at the “Summit County GIS Parcel Query Tool” HERE. HOWEVER, at some point, the numbering changed to what is in the second and fourth columns HERE and what is displayed on the outside signs at Bears Den. One might think that since the Units in Building A are numbered A1 to A9, and the Units in Building B are numbered B1 to B11, then the one and only unit in Building C would be called C1, but somehow the number 12 was assigned and it has been retained.